Tuesday, October 25, 2005

US death toll in Iraq hits 2,000

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US death toll in Iraq hits 2,000

Two thousand United States military personnel have died as a result of the conflict in Iraq, according to figures issued by Pentagon.

A sergeant wounded by a bomb in the insurgent stronghold of Samarra earlier this month died of his wounds and officially became the 2,000th death.

Unofficial estimates put Iraqi civilian deaths at at least 25,000 since the US-led invasion began in March 2003.

President Bush has called on troops to persevere in "spreading freedom".

Staff Sgt George T Alexander Jr, 34, died in hospital in Texas of wounds he received when a bomb hit his vehicle in Samarra on 17 October.

A spokesman for the American-led multinational force in Baghdad appealed to media not to make too much of the 2,000 figure.

"The 2,000 service members killed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom is not a milestone," Lt Col Steve Boylan told AP news agency.

"It is an artificial mark on the wall set by individuals or groups with specific agendas and ulterior motives."

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Tiff's Sayonara Party

This past weekend my good friend Tiffany returned to France to be with her beautiful young daughter.

Tiffany was instrumental in starting our bi-lingual magazine LightHouse and helping me learn the joys of creativity.

She will be greatly missed by all, and we wish her the best of luck in France with her family.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Flower Headland Festival 2005

My writing has fallen way off this past year, and I kind of like the idea of making this blog a multimedia experierence, so I recorded this post in audio.

Click here to listen to my audio post: Flower Headland Festival.m4a

The Flower Headland site

Prankster #1

Prankster #2

Click here to watch the video: Afro-Stilts

Click here to watch the video: The Mask

Prankster #3

Teepee Stage w/ a mushroom

Autumn Sunset

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Asagiri Jam 2005

I've had several problems with this post and I don't have time to write the full story or captions. I'm just ready to get this up and out of the way.

The pictures (and now videos) will have to tell the story of the amazing people and wonderful weather.

Click here to watch a video: Yosuke Improv

Thank you to all the people who shared their photos with me for this post, and special thanks goes out to Tiffany who will be leaving Japan soon.

Tiff, you will be missed.