A lot has happened since I lasted updated this blog, so I'm just gonna give the truncated version. My summer staycation was anything but...
To begin with, I went New York City in early July, slept on 5th Ave for an entire week, & set a Guinness World Record in the process. My picture ended up on the front page of the New York Times, I bought an iPhone, and promoted local agriculture.
Next, I assisted with the purchase of an upside-down school bus from Ben of Ben & Jerry's, helped customize the bus in New York's Union Square Greenmarket, and traveled in said school bus from NYC to Cleveland, Chicago, Milwaukee, middle America, and San Francisco.
After arriving in the Bay Area, I realized this is the furtherest west any explorer has ever traveled without leaving the atmosphere, so I decided to ground myself for awhile.
Another Georgia boy once summarized a similar occurrence by saying he was just gonna sit on the dock of the bay, watch the ships roll in, and watch 'em roll away again.
Peace be with you Mr. Redding.
I feel you.
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