Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Japan's Expo of Contradictions

Asia Times Online :: Japan News and Japanese Business and Economy

NAGOYA - Two green plant-like cartoon creatures of Japan's long-lost natural woodlands, Kiccoro, the "Forest Child", and Morizo, the "Forest Grandfather" - cute and ubiquitous official mascots - are overrunning the 2005 World Exhibition, known as Expo 2005, dedicated to "Nature's Wisdom". That wisdom, however, has been thwarted and perverted with concrete coastlines, cemented riverbeds, concrete and ironclad hillsides and man-planted commercial forests that afflict many Japanese with tearful pollen allergies. They - perhaps as many as a third of the population - could be weeping for Japan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, readers lets not forget that Expo in all its wisdom gathers people together to see and learn other countries customs; language, lifestyles. It also is an opportunity to sell products of their respective countries to new agents directly. But it makes you wonder that is it all worth the cost of cutting down forests and using vast sums of wood to build a boardwalk to get around the park?
And what happens after it's all over?
Japan like most other nations turns a ignorant blind eye in the name of profit.
Thank god they lost the vote to kill humpback and Sperm whales at the International Whaling Commission, There tactics of bribing other nations failed ha ha ha.