Saturday, June 26, 2004

Online Again

My Internet connection got reestablished yesterday afternoon. Finally.

Yahoo BroadBand's customer service is notoriously difficult, so I enlisted the aid of my sweet Japanese Grandmother to help me uncover the problem. She speaks absolutely no English and probably doesn't know anything about the Internet, but she very kindly jotted down a few notes from my broken Japanese and immediately got on the phone to Yahoo.

It took about a week and a half, multiple calls to several different numbers, and God only knows how many frustrating minutes wasted sitting on hold, but it turned out I was cut off for not paying my bill.

This is funny because after about a year and a half of using Yahoo BB I've never even received a bill! I just never contacted them about the lack of payment because I hoped it could go unnoticed, but somehow they found me.

Last Wednesday Yahoo issued my first bill for a grand total of about 150 dollars which I promptly paid at a nearby convenience store. They only billed me for the past five months, so I didn't argue.

Anyway, things are good again. For now.

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